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It all began with Chompers. Actually, it began before Chompers -- with a chance meeting with a beautiful Goldendoodle while on vacation in Michigan a number of years ago. We were Golden Retriever “people” at the time. We still are, but now we're Goldendoodle people first, and by necessity Poodle and Golden Retriever fans, too.


Chompers (or Chomps) has become our mascot. He and his litter mates were our first Doodles. Three of them are Therapy Dogs now -- truly working dogs -- with Chompers the busiest. And so, Chomps is not only the best canine friend we've ever had, he's also...


A Pooch Who Knows His Purpose


Therapy dogs are intuitive beyond measure. Our beloved Chompers is no exception. He visits Buckeye Central Schools in New Washington every Monday, greeting children at the beginning of the week. He always knows whose weekend wasn't quite what it should have been. He sniffs out young souls who need a friendly slobber, furry handshake, gentle nudge or full-on hug. Chompers' favorite hour is spent lying on a colorful primary-colored rug, listening to multi-handicapped children sound out words and share picture books (which he actually looks at!). He is a Tail Waggin' Tutor through Therapy Dogs International.


Every week, when the Monday Blues are brightened, the bell rings and Chompers leads his human volunteer right to his favorite place in the primary wing.


One particular morning, having passed four classrooms to get to his, the struggling readers were no where to be found! Chompers sniffed around with a worried look on his face, searched the room and dropped his head. Dejected, he padded out of his student-den and headed down the hallway to exit.


With two rooms left to pass, Chompers stopped suddenly, sniffing furiously at a closed door. Peeking inside, halfway across the room, sat two of his kids and their teacher aid! Silently, he nosed the door open and with permission, wagged over to his readers, giving kisses and getting hugs in return.


Reunited, he sat patiently awaiting dismissal to retreat to his colorful den and the rest of his six-year-old reading companions. It's safe to say, Chompers lives to serve his purpose.

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